Moody’s has 14,000 staff globally working across various divisions and departments, producing data visualisations for a wide range of applications and purposes.
As part of a major rebranding exercise, they asked infogr8 to develop a set of data design guidelines that would expand on their new brand visual identity, empowering their colleagues to consistently create visualisations that were bold, clear and perceptive.
infogr8 conducted a strategic discovery and audit to review the existing Moody’s visuals, practices, challenges and needs to uncover priorities and success criteria for an initial set of unified data design guidelines. This led to a comprehensive design concept exercise to revitalise the data visualisations and unify the team on what best practices should look like.
Highlights of this project included insights on colour accessibility, which helped to shape the wider company rebranding – over and above the data visualisation element.
By unifying Moody’s data teams and bolstering their new branding, we’ve already seen some brilliant data stories being told by the company and its people.
Here are just a few examples:
Props to the infogr8 team who made it all happen:
– Gabrielle Merite, Creative Data Visualisation Lead
– Amy Cesal, Data Visualisation Strategy Lead
– Stewart Pickering, Project Owner
– Josephine Brown, Project Manager
“Working with Moody’s to produce their data design guidelines was a unique experience for the infogr8 team. We had the opportunity to work with a really engaged working group, with a diverse range of backgrounds and passionate opinions on what the Moody’s brand means to them, and how we should apply the brand to data visualisation.
Gabrielle and Amy expertly identified their core needs and were able to foster a strong sense of agreement early on in the project, which led to a truly beautiful set of guidelines that promote both uniformity and creativity.”
Stewart Pickering
GM, Sustainability