Jake Madsen
January 7, 2025
Reading time:
4 min

2025 is a year when we can help more organisations realise the opportunities that open up with data, specifically when it comes to the future of work. That’s why we’re thrilled to be selected as a strategic design and technology partner for Youth Futures Foundation to redevelop their Data Dashboard.

The future of work and tackling the NEET crisis


Youth Futures Foundation (YFF) is the UK national What Works Centre for youth employment, with a specific focus on marginalised young people. 

Across the UK, 900,000 – 1 in 8 – young people aged 16-24 are not in education, employment or training (NEET). The situation is especially acute in the North and the Midlands, and for marginalised young people who experience significant systemic barriers. The exclusion of these young people from the labour market has a significant impact for UK economic growth now and in the future.

YFF’s vision is a society where all young people have equitable access to good jobs. Their mission is to narrow the employment gap by identifying what works and why, investing in evidence generation and innovation, and igniting a movement for change.

infogr8 x YFF: Developing a next-generation data dashboard


At infogr8, we believe in Data for Everyone, and that data can empower us to take on some of society’s most pressing challenges.

With their new Data Dashboard, Youth Futures Foundation wants to go beyond just generating and presenting evidence. They want to synthesise and translate it more meaningfully for their diverse audiences in a way that inspires action. 

Ultimately, YFF’s aim is to reduce information gaps in the service of improving employment outcomes for young people with the greatest barriers and blockers in their way. The revamped Data Dashboard can be the first port of call for anyone looking to learn more about supporting marginalised young people to find and sustain good employment.

As YFF continues to grow as an organisation, we’re excited to bring our purpose-led data design thinking and Future of Work expertise to this project. We’ll be working closely with our YFF partners to create a sustainable solution for organising and presenting their data analysis to promote evidence-informed action and to adapt to the future youth employment landscape.