
  • RSPCA Assured, formally Freedom Food, approached infogr8 to create a series of infographic content that was unique to them.

    Following the recent rebrand to RSPCA Assured in 2015, infogr8 recognised that the brand would benefit from having guidelines in order to create distinct branded fast-moving content that adhered to best practice information design principals.


  • infogr8 proposed a concise set of infographic guidelines which would go on to inform the series of future infographics and other content.

    Beginning by assessing the RSPCA assured brand and its target audience, infogr8 explored several different art directions before developing a unique digital papercraft styling for RSCPA Assured. The style is colourful and appealing to a wide variety of people, the use of textures sets it apart, taking the flat digital colour and giving it a warm and inviting finish. This went on to inform the sections of illustration, visual devices and iconography as well as influencing the styling of the elements of information design.

    Upon establishing the overarching style infogr8 assessed the types of information design principles that the RSPCA assured would need to express both existing and future information design challenges, through research of previous infographics, data sets and stakeholder involvement. Each section of the guidelines deals with a different aspect of information design with guides for colour, typography, layout and step-by-step instructions for the creation of the different charts and graphs.


Working through infogr8's unique process resulted in a unique, complete and extensive set of infographic guidelines.

This developed a unique art direction for the RSCPA Assured for all of their future information and content creation needs. The guidelines include step-by-step guides for the creation of illustrations, iconography, bar-charts, part-to-whole charts, line charts, pictogram charts and visual devices, with many more sections between the covers.
This guideline will go on to help the RSPCA Assured create succinct and consistent content across the entire brand, with a unique style and message that resonates with its audience across all their channels.

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